
This documentation is about a suite of tools to interact with the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (denoted with OEIS for short).

Such suite provides both programming interfaces and command-line programs to collect, print and represent connections among sequences of numbers available in the OEIS, aiming to store data and do computations locally. In particular, it comprises the following components:

  • a crawler, which fetches sequences recursively, implemented with asynchronous schemas to increase the degree of parallelism and, finally, saving data in json files;
  • a pretty printer, which parses saved data and shows them in both Markdown or ascii formats, providing filter and search capabilities;
  • a grapher, which builds graphs according to relations among sequences in the sense of cross-references OEIS sections.

All the implementation is written in pure Python for flexibility and portability.


to run the current version of the crawler it is mandatory to have Python 3.6 on the working machine to benefits of latest async/await language primitives for asynchronous computations.